أستاذ برامج تحسين نمط الحياة المشارك في جامعة أم القرى
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الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات في شركة تطوير القابضة
الاندماج الإيجابي
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قيادة الطريق
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رقمنة مكافآت الموظفين وأثرها على التواصل الداخلي
At Gulf Forums, we have diligently organized a series of events aimed at transforming the workplace landscape in Saudi Arabia. Beginning with the Saudi Internal Communication Conference, we explored the vital role of effective communication within organizations. This was followed by the Employee Experience Conference, where we delved into the importance of creating a positive and enriching experience for employees.
Building on the insights and successes of these events, we are now excited to announce the upcoming Saudi Employee Engagement Conference. This conference represents the culmination of our efforts to highlight the interconnectedness of internal communication, employee experience, and employee engagement.
The Bigger Picture:
Internal Communication: Effective internal communication is the foundation of a cohesive and well-informed workforce. It ensures that employees are aligned with the organization’s vision, goals, and values. Our Saudi Internal Communication Conference emphasized the importance of transparent, timely, and engaging communication strategies that foster trust and collaboration.
Employee Experience: A positive employee experience is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent. At our Employee Experience Conference, we showcased innovative approaches to enhancing every touchpoint in the employee lifecycle, from recruitment and onboarding to development and retention. By prioritizing employee well-being and satisfaction, organizations can create an environment where employees feel valued and motivated.
Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are the driving force behind organizational success. They are more productive, committed, and likely to contribute to the company's growth and innovation. The Saudi Employee Engagement Conference will focus on the strategies and practices that lead to a highly engaged workforce. We will explore the critical link between internal communication and employee experience, demonstrating how these elements work together to create a culture of engagement.
By visualizing this bigger picture, we underscore the necessity of a comprehensive approach that integrates internal communication and employee experience to achieve optimal employee engagement.
Our conferences serve as a platform for sharing knowledge, best practices, and innovative solutions that help organizations build stronger, more resilient, and engaged teams.
Why Attend the Saudi Employee Engagement Conference?
Join us at the Saudi Employee Engagement Conference to complete the journey from communication to engagement. Together, we can create workplaces where employees are not only engaged but also inspired to achieve excellence.